Dark Pool Interactive App Room
Did you know that over 40% of all the trades being executed right now are being done in this alternative secret exchange known as The Dark Pool? Knowing where the big guys are buying and selling will increase your success rate whether you’re a day trader, short term swing trader or longer-term investor.
Interactive Dark Pool Trading room Schedule
6am-8am ET Watch Stefanie Map out the Whisper of the day every morning.
What is the whisper of the day?
They are the highest probability day trades on 3 of the major index ETF’s. The SPY, IWM and QQQ
Stefanie also maps out day trades on the major futures. ES_F, NQ_F, CL_F, GC_F and BTC_F
You will also get around 5-10 of our favorite stocks mapped out each day.
These Day trades have earned a 90% success rate since 2014.
8-8:30am ET Listen as Stefanie records the Whisper of the day video live
8:30-9am ET Morning meeting: Getting prepared for the trading day.
Ask Stefanie questions on any specific stocks you might be interested in trading.
9:30-4pm ET Watch our special Dark Pool scanner all day long.
Receive specific notifications of the unusual Dark Pool prints with specific levels
of where to go long (Bullish above ) and where to go short (Bearish below).
Every Wednesday 4pm – 4:45 Special “Off the Cuff” Meeting.
Stefanie will share specific trading strategies from trading stocks to options as well as psychological downfalls that many traders may have and how to overcome them.
Trading in a community with other traders is the fastest way to elevate your trading.
Traders can interact with one another posting trades, charts and trading strategies all day long.
Ask Stefanie questions throughout the day by simply left clicking on her name.
Subscribe to Dark Pool Interactive App Room
A membership subscription to the Dark Pool Interactive App Room is $49.99/month for our Premium Service. This is an auto recurring monthly subscription. You can cancel at any time. You will be grandfathered in at that rate. There is also a yearly subscription available for $479.99.
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